What Makes Harry Potter So Good? 3 of 3

In my most recent post we looked at plot outlines in Harry Potter. Now, we look at the endings. Because the endings of each HP book are part of the allure. The part that keeps you wanting more. The part that leaves you with that warm, sad, lovey dovey fuzzy feeling and...well, you get the idea.

Here, I'll dive into the ending of the 3rd Harry Potter book, The Prisoner of Azkaban:
"You are truly your father's son, Harry," says Sirius Black.
Right as he's taking off—flying, escaping—on the hippogriff.

But the action hasn't stopped.

What Makes Harry Potter So Good? 2 of 3

It's all in the story, says just about everyone. "Where (for authors) does success lie?" In the story, they say.

But what makes the story? And what makes a story good?

What makes Harry Potter so good? 1 of 3

It's the 20th anniversary of the publication of the 1st Harry Potter book! And in celebration, I am writing 3 blogposts devoted to Harry Potter.
To be sure, there is no one thing which makes Harry Potter what it is. Just take a look at this Quora article that lists ten or more elements which, they say, contribute to Harry Potter's unbelievable success. But I'm not going to focus just on the success of Harry Potter.