Recent r/literature Posts Breakdown

I'm considering whether it is advantageous for me to create quarterly or semiannual summaries of posts I've created (and which have been abundantly upvoted) on r/literature. Most of these posts concern books or articles I've read and literary techniques or theories or thoughts I've developed and/or am developing as a result.

Perhaps this will be a good idea, perhaps not. But let's give it a go.

From biggest to smallest then!

Knowledge + Time = ?

I try to determine what the wall is, where it’s leading Essa, and what walking the wall costs her.

This is the central conflict, dilemma, struggle, call it whatever you want, of my newest novel, THE VALLEN. From conception (during the 2016 Presidential campaign in the United States) to brainstorming to outline to writing the rough draft then many other drafts after, I’ve come to the point where I have now completed a submittable manuscript.

And all the while…

I’ve been asking…

Just what is the wall?

There are walls and walls and walls...

Borrowed from Wikipedia

Walls have been around for a long time. As architectural objects, they have a multitude of structural and cultural uses. I can claim no expert knowledge of walls, or their uses, or their endurance or deterioration over the ages, but I can gather together my sentiments towards walls and scribble them down here.

In writing a novel, THE VALLEN, featuring a wall — a border barrier, in particular,  — I obviously withhold some very strong feelings towards walls, barriers, earthworks and other structures which bar or impede free movement.