Me on r/literature...why do I do this?

So...yeah...long day at work, and what do I do? Post stupid things on the internet...

Here's what I put on Reddit, in response to a post about: Is Literary Glory Worth Chasing? Which is in response to an New York Review of Books article.

Greatness. Merit. Civilization. Judgment. Weighing one book against another. One author against another. Competition. This culture's literature versus that culture's literature. Classics very few people choose to read versus famous but odious crowd-pleasers.
Glory. Many shades. Like a sunset, or a sunrise, I guess. Take your eyes away for a second and it's gonna change on you. Genius. Trappings of award-stamped book covers. Nice speeches behind podiums. Celebrity and celebration. Approval. The teacher patting your shoulder and telling you you've done a good job. Thanks, teach. Congratulate what we want to see more of. Take that achiever and make an example of them. They deserve praise. Glory. Everyone clap. Applaud.
Merit is never really merit. It's a false survival game of opponents in a given time, place, setup. Some game worked out by whoever or nobody really. Standards just fallen into our laps. Luck.

But the experts say: "This person shall win." And the rest of us believe the experts. Who are we to question experts? Who am I to question the wisdom of a crowd? Everyone says it's great. Well, it must be great.
Sure, there are standards. Plain rules that once pointed-out are obvious. "The knife in my hand..." has more than one meaning. Be specific.
But glory? But judging greatness? In written language? Hmm...I don't know. Too many factors. Too many opinions that are standards and standards that are opintions. Too many in's and out's making a tasty soupy mess of it all. Language itself is and impermenant. Conventions rot away in a summer.
Stories stick in the mind, and the soul, though—don't they?
I guess, in summary, even smart people praise stupid things. And sometimes stupid people outsmart even the wisest. In other words, I don't have a fucking clue. Can't pretend to.
Thanks for posting! :D

Yep. Good job, ol' me. Pat myself on the back for that one. Waiting for the ass-tear from redditors...

*open throat, insert shot of whiskey, let alcohol numb all emotion...*