2nd Place in the 2021 Colonel Darren L. Wright Award


Welp, I learned yesterday that "Time Hack" my short story about a (fictional) Afghan vet and her time on a remote outpost as the only woman amid a hundred infantry guys took 2nd place in the category of Prose by a Veteran or Servicemember. 

It's really a thrill and I'm glad that this character, Marcy, resonated as much as she did. I just hope I managed to do her justice.

I had been thinking of third person indirect for several weeks prior to penning this story. I very often write in first-person, as you may well already know, and I had learned that third person indirect, where we still hear and see things from the main character's point of view even if they aren't saying I-this and I-that through the whole piece. can be a trickier method of narration. A real test of writing ability. So, I wanted to try it out. 

Also, I happened to be reading Go Tell It on the Mountain by James Baldwin at the time and he uses this technique throughout the multiple points of view of his handful of characters. I really wanted to emulate that kind of work; the kind of work that aims to give a character, a person, justice

And here it is. She's found her place. I'm just really grateful for the whole thing. 

I hope you enjoy it. There's certainly more to come.