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The Last Post
This is my last blogpost.
It's the end of a season, the end of a month, the end of a mission. It's a time for endings. So, adieu to the blog. It's been good writing practice and fun and reflective to send out a blogpost every so often but I've decided I need to spend more time writing short stories and creative nonfiction pieces.
My new website, jgpmacadam.com, is also up and running with photos and a contact form.
It's been great hanging out here with you, and God knows we all needed a little reflection over the course of the pandemic—which isn't really quite over, is it?
Stay in touch, check out my latest publications, see you on the other side.
2nd Place in the 2021 Colonel Darren L. Wright Award
Welp, I learned yesterday that "Time Hack" my short story about a (fictional) Afghan vet and her time on a remote outpost as the only woman amid a hundred infantry guys took 2nd place in the category of Prose by a Veteran or Servicemember.
It's really a thrill and I'm glad that this character, Marcy, resonated as much as she did. I just hope I managed to do her justice.
A Perhaps Weekly Pandemic Periodical, #17
Welp, here I am, posting another pandemic periodical. In my last post, just a couple of weeks ago, I wasn't too sure I would be posting anymore about the pandemic. But with the way the delta variant is plugging up hospital beds in Florida and Nevada and, locally, turning all of the counties adjacent to Hood River County back into red wear-a-mask status. Oh wait, new update: Hood River County is also in red status. (Of course, this is the week our toddler starts daycare.) So, yes, we're in another stretch of pandemic anxiety and the thread of pandemic periodicals continues!
Now onto wildfires...